Morning Exercise Linked to Weight Loss and Improved Body Composition

Morning Exercise Linked to Weight Loss and Improved Body Composition

If your goal is to shed a few kilos or enhance your body composition, recent studies propose that there might be an ideal exercise timing to achieve your objectives. This research divided participants into three categories based on their workout times: morning, midday, and evening. Interestingly, those who hit the gym between 7am and 9am displayed a lower body mass index (BMI) and slimmer waistlines compared to their counterparts in the other groups.

These early morning exercisers dedicated 150 minutes each week to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), clocking in at 1,953 or more counts per minute on an accelerometer. This gadget is designed to monitor the speed at which you accelerate during a workout. Moreover, this group reported consuming fewer calories in relation to their body weight and maintaining healthier diets than those who worked out later in the day.

Intriguingly, the morning workout group also spent a significant amount of time in sedentary activities such as sitting or lying down compared to the other groups. However, this did not seem to affect their BMI or waist measurements negatively.

The morning exercise group comprised 642 individuals, who were typically 10 to 13 years older than those in the midday and evening groups. This group predominantly consisted of non-Hispanic white individuals, mostly women, who had never engaged in alcohol or tobacco use and held a college degree or higher education.

Rebecca Krukowski, a clinical psychologist and co-director of the Community-Based Health Equity centre at the University of Virginia, who was not part of the study, commented on the findings. She stated that this groundbreaking research aligns with a popular tip for achieving exercise goals – scheduling workouts in the morning before potential distractions like emails, phone calls, or meetings can interrupt.

Therefore, it appears that the start of the day might be the prime time for maximising the inverse relationship between MVPA and obesity. This correlation seemed to be less pronounced in the midday and evening exercise groups.

As an online personal trainer in Australia, we at Warrior360 understand the importance of timing when it comes to workouts. We offer online fitness coaching in Australia, helping our clients understand the benefits of morning exercise and how it can aid weight loss and improve body composition. We also provide personalised weight loss plans for women, understanding the unique needs and challenges women face when trying to lose weight.

Our women's weight loss online gym programs have been designed keeping in mind the findings of this study. We encourage our clients to start their day with a workout, helping them burn calories, kickstart their metabolism and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

We also understand that diet plays a crucial role in weight loss. That's why we offer advice on the diet for weight loss for females, ensuring our clients are not just working out right, but also eating right.

In conclusion, if you're looking to lose weight or improve your body composition, starting your day with a workout might be the key to achieving your goals. Not only can it help you burn calories and lose weight, but it can also set a positive tone for the rest of your day, making you more likely to make healthier choices throughout the day.
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